After reaching KY 2022 from KY 28 and going through
the small hamlet of Buckhorn, one sees this sign warning of a narrow road along
virtually all of KY 2022's mileage. For the most part, the road is 12-16
feet wide...barely one lane. Also, although I don't have any photos of
them, KY 2022 does have mileposts. |
KY 2022 parallels Squabble Creek for most of it's
northern half. |
A view of the creek from an overlooking hill. |
Looking at one of the many brooks that cross under KY
2022. |
I suppose putting a sign up is easier and/or cheaper
than repairing the pavement break. |
An abandoned chimney...occasionally seen along the
road. |
Looking south at the Perry/Owsley County line.
That's my car in the left background. |
Just after crossing into Owsley County, one follows
through a switchback while heading down a hill. |
At the end of the road at KY 484. KY 484 can be
used to connect to KY 1482, which in turn will eventually bring one to US 421/KY
80. |