At the northern terminus, MN 100 splits, with the
exit going to Humboldt Ave N and the mainline merging in with eastbound I-694.
Photo by Glenn Olson, taken March 17, 2002. |
This high-glare view is where the ramp from SB MN 252
splits to MN 100 and WB I-94/694.
Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken July 29, 2002. |
This vantage point of where MN 100 splits
off from I-694 is along westbound I-94. There is no access between I-94
and MN 100 here. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken June 22, 2004. |
Overhead image showing MN 100 and its connections to
Humboldt Ave and I-694 EAST. Aerial view is from 2005 National
Agricultural Imagery Program imagery. |
Approaching Glenwood Ave and the beginning of
construction on northbound MN 100. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken August 31, 2001. |
You can see that, at this stage in the construction,
all traffic has been switched to the southbound lanes at the Glenwood Ave
overpass. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken August 31, 2001. |
Another view at the Glenwood Ave overpass.
Photo by Glenn Olson, taken August 31, 2001. |

Underneath the Glenwood Ave overpass. In the
first photo, note that all traffic is on the southbound side and there's
construction leading into the MN 55 interchange. In the second photo, much
of the construction just north of Glenwood Ave is complete.
First photo by Glenn Olson, taken August 31, 2001. Second photo by Adam
Froehlig, taken April 24, 2003. |
At this time, northbound MN 100 traffic wishing to
exit to MN 55 was using the then-existing northbound lanes, while all through
traffic in both directions was using the southbound lanes. Photo by Glenn
Olson, taken
August 31, 2001. |
Northbound mainline work, on the curve just before
the MN 55 interchange. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken August 31, 2001. |
Photo showing the northbound approach to and the
construction of the northbound bridge over MN 55. Photo by Glenn Olson,
taken August 31,
2001. |
Back on the newly opened northbound lanes approaching
the MN 55 interchange. This section was largely completed by November,
2002. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken April 24, 2003. |
Same location as the above photo, showing the fully
completed project. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken August 8, 2005. |
This pre-construction photo shows the old EB 55 to NB
100 loop merging, and guide signage for the old NB 100 to WB 55 loop.
Photo by Glenn Olson, taken May 24, 2000. |
Above MN 55, northbound traffic is directed onto the
southbound lanes. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken April 24, 2003. |
More northbound lane work, on the north side of the
MN 55 interchange. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken August 31, 2001. |
A newer northbound picture from just north of MN
55. The crane in the background sits atop the future northbound bridge
over a Union Pacific RR spur. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken November 24, 2002. |
A view of the above-mentioned northbound bridge over
the Union Pacific spur. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken April 24, 2003. |
This pre-construction photo shows the northbound
lanes at Thotland Rd, just north of the Union Pacific RR bridge. Photo by
Glenn Olson, taken May 24, 2000. |
New pavement for the southbound lanes. The
location is believed to be just north of the Union Pacific RR spur. Photo
by Glenn Olson, taken August 31, 2001. |
Exactly 2.5 years later, north of the Union Pacific RR bridge.
The southbound lanes are largely complete and in-use while construction continues on the future northbound lanes.
Photo by Glenn Olson, taken
November 24, 2002. |
In this northbound photo, taken between the Union
Pacific RR spur and
Golden Valley Rd, you can see clearing work in preparation for the main roadway
work. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken August 31, 2001. |
This pre-construction photo looks northbound,
approaching the exit to Duluth St/CSAH 66. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken May 24, 2000. |
Just south of Duluth St/CSAH 66, and all traffic is
in the northbound lanes. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken August 31, 2001. |
This photo, also just south of Duluth St/CSAH 66,
shows construction mostly completed. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken summer of 2003. |
Just short of the above photo, this is how the
approach to Duluth St looks today. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken August 8,
2005. |
Just north of the above photo. The northbound
lanes were mostly complete here but traffic was still on the southbound side of
the highway. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken April 24, 2003. |
Northbound at the temporary exit to Duluth St/CSAH
66. Construction for the bridge over Duluth St is noticeable in the
background. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken November 24, 2002. |
The northbound bridge over Duluth St/CSAH 66 is
completed, and work is underway on the bridge approaches. This work would
be completed later in the year and traffic shifted over, as shown in the next
photo below. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken April 24, 2003. |
This photo shows completion of the northbound exit to
Duluth St/CSAH 66. All traffic was on the new northbound bridge while the
southbound bridge was under construction. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken summer of 2003. |
The northbound exit to Duluth St today. Photo
by Adam Froehlig, taken August 8, 2005. |
Closer-up picture of the bridge construction on the
northbound side. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken November 24, 2002. |
Underneath the bridge. The bridge on the right
is the brand new bridge for the future northbound lanes on MN 100. The
older bridge on the left is the old bridge, at the time being used for northbound
traffic. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken January 11, 2002. |
North of Duluth St. At this time, construction
had not begun on this immediate stretch. However, in the background you
can see construction work associated with the 36th Ave N interchange
construction. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken August 31, 2001. |
This pre-construction photo looks at the northbound
lanes in the vicinity of 29th Ave N. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken May 20, 2000. |
Further north, near Bassett's Creek and 29th Ave N,
showing the temporary bypass used during construction of the Bassett's Creek
culvert. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken August 31, 2001. |
Approaching a crossover over to the newly completed
section north of 29th Ave N. Construction of the northbound lanes
approaching the crossover point is underway. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken November 24, 2002. |
Same location as the above photo. The
northbound lanes approaching the crossover are mostly complete, as is the
pedestrian bridge mentioned in the next photo below. Photo by Adam
Froehlig, taken April 24, 2003. |
At the crossover. The pier in the middle is for the Bassett's Creek
pedestrian bridge. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken November 24, 2002. |
Here's a view of a new overhead distance sign, as seen
from the end of Unity Ave. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken January 11, 2003. |
A later view, showing the completed pedestrian bridge. Photo by Glenn
Olson, taken summer
of 2003. |
The final "project complete" view. Photo by
Adam Froehlig, taken August 8, 2005. |
Approaching 36th Ave N on a completed section.
Note how the rightmost lane was striped as an auxiliary lane at the time. Photo
by Adam Froehlig, taken April 24, 2003. |
Northbound approaching the then-36th Ave N
intersection, just after construction on the new interchange began. Photo
by Glenn Olson, taken May 24, 2000. |
Northbound at the old intersection itself.
Photo by Glenn Olson, taken May 24, 2000. |
Northbound at the then-recently-opened 36th Ave N
interchange. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken August 31, 2001. |
Another view, showing the northbound off-ramp itself,
as well as the overpass in the background. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken August 31, 2001. |
A later view of the northbound off-ramp showing the
overhead guide sign, but with the next exit guide sign partially covered.
Photo by Glenn Olson, taken November
24, 2002. |
A later view, showing the CSAH 9/CSAH 81/42nd Ave
sign. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken January 11, 2003. |
The final "project complete" view, with all 3 lanes
open. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken August 8, 2005. |
At the 36th Ave N overpass. Note how the right
lane is striped as an extra-wide shoulder. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken
April 24, 2003. |
This northbound view from just south of 42nd Ave N/CSAH
9 shows traffic crossing over to the completed southbound lanes in order to
facilitate construction of the northbound lanes. On the right, traffic
cones direct traffic to the opened NB off-ramp to 42nd. Photo by Glenn
Olson, taken
summer of 2003. |
Looking across the mainline at the southbound ramps
at 42nd Ave N/CSAH 9. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken November 24, 2002. |
Northbound at the pre-construction exit to 42nd Ave
N/CSAH 9. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken May 24, 2000. |
At the northbound exit to 42nd Ave N/CSAH
9. Note now all traffic is on the northbound side, plus much of the
original pavement was still in place at the time. Photo by Adam
Froehlig, taken
April 24, 2003. |
Northbound at 42nd Ave N with the reconstruction
project complete. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken August 8, 2005. |
Northbound at the 42nd Ave N overpass. Photo by
Adam Froehlig, taken August 8, 2005. |
A pre-construction photo, looking north from the 42nd
Ave N overpass. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken October 15, 2000. |
Looking northbound just north of the 42nd Ave N/CSAH
9 overpass, with all traffic in the future southbound lanes.
Construction is underway on the northbound lanes and NB ramp from 42nd.
Photo by Glenn Olson, taken summer of 2003. |
Northbound approaching CSAH 81. The BNSF RR
spur bridge is in the foreground. Work is visible on the West Broadway/CSAH
8 overpass, the CSAH 81 overpass (in the far background), and ramp work in the
area. Photo
by Adam Froehlig, taken April 24, 2003. |
Northbound along MN 100. The three bridges, in
order, are the BNSF RR spur, West Broadway/CSAH 8, and CSAH 81. Photo by
Glenn Olson, taken summer of 2003. |
Similar location to the above two photos, showing
guide signage at a completed CSAH 81 interchange. The ramp on the far
right connects 42nd Ave N to CSAH 81. Photo
by Adam Froehlig, taken August 8, 2005. |
At the temporary intersection with CSAH 81, while
work progresses on the new CSAH 81 overpass behind it. Photo
by Adam Froehlig, taken April 24, 2003. |
Northbound, approaching the Twin Lakes crossing.
All traffic was on the northbound side while the southbound bridge and appraoch
was built. Photo
by Adam Froehlig, taken April 24, 2003. |
Northbound approaching the then-Indiana Ave N
intersection. Dirt piling for the project is evident, but curiously is
gone by 2003. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken August 31, 2001. |
About the same location as the above photo.
Note how the dirt pile is gone and construction still had not yet begun in this
area. Photo
by Adam Froehlig, taken April 24, 2003. |
Northbound at France Ave. Although
auxiliary/parallel road construction had been completed (as noted in the above
photos), construction on the mainline or the new France Ave interchange had not
yet begun. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken April 24, 2003. |
Northbound at the completed France Ave interchange.
Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken August 8, 2005. |
This photo shows all traffic using the southbound
lanes in the vicinity of the old France Ave intersection. The construction
behind the old traffic signal is retaining walls for the future northbound
on-ramp, also shown below. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken summer of 2003. |
Looking northbound at the Canadian Pacific RR
overpass. A temporary intersection at 50th Ave N is in the background,
behind the RR overpass. Photo by Glenn Olson, taken August 31, 2001. |
The Canadian Pacific overpass as viewed after project
completion. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken August 8, 2005. |
Northbound at the temporary 50th Ave N intersection.
Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken April 24, 2003. |