Interchange Requests in the Metropolitan Urban Service Area

The following list is a bit of history from the Metropolitan Council archives.  It is a list of interchange requests, dated from July 1979.  In addition to the route and location, I also include what came about of the request:

I-35 Dakota CSAH 46 Construct interchange Completed mid-'90s
I-35W Dakota CSAH 42 Add another set of ramps to/from NORTH Nothing
I-35W 138th St in Burnsville Add ramps to/from NORTH Nothing, but is still considered a possibility
I-35W Lake St in Minneapolis Add ramps to/from NORTH (complete full interchange) Under study.  Possible construction by 2010.
I-35W Anoka CSAH 14 Construct interchange Under study
I-35E 138th St in Burnsville Add ramps to/from NORTH Nothing
I-35E County Rd F in Vadnais Heights Construct interchange Nothing
I-35E County Rd H2 in White Bear Township Construct interchange Nothing, but considered a possibility under a recent corridor study.
I-35E County Rd J in Lino Lakes Add ramps to/from NORTH (complete full interchange) Nothing, but considered a possibility under a recent corridor study.
I-94 Boone Ave in Brooklyn Park Add ramps to/from WEST (complete full interchange) Completed late '80s
I-94 Zane Ave in Brooklyn Park Construct interchange Nothing
I-94 Mounds Blvd in St. Paul Request type unclear Reconstructed early '90s
I-94 Earl St in St. Paul Add some ramps Nothing
I-94 Ruth St in St. Paul Add ramps to/from EAST (complete full interchange) Nothing
I-494 Tamarac Dr in Woodbury Construct interchange Interchange completed 2002
I-494 Lower Afton Rd in Woodbury Convert to split diamond Nothing
I-494 Century Ave in Woodbury Construct interchange Constructed at Lake Drive mid '90s
I-494 Gleason Rd in Bloomington Construct interchange, remove ramps at E. Bush Lake Rd. Nothing.  E Bush Lake Rd interchange retained and reconstructed 2005.
I-494 N/S Ring Rds in Eden Prairie Construct interchanges Half-interchanges constructed early '80s?
I-494 Cedar Lake Rd extension in Minnetonka (near present-day Stone Rd) Construct interchange Nothing
I-494 Hennepin CSAH 15 Construct interchange Constructed at Carlson Pkwy 1983
I-494 Hennepin CSAH 6 Construct interchange Constructed early '90s
I-494 49th Ave N in Plymouth Construct interchange Nothing, but still considered a possibility
I-694 5th Ave in New Brighton Construct interchange Nothing
I-694 US 61 Reconstruct into full interchange Constructed early '80s?
I-694 40th St or 45th St in Oakdale Construct interchange Nothing


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Page last modified 31 May, 2004